EPISODE 1: The Shadow Threat

It's 1366. Rachel leaves behind her 18-year old son, Aaron, to join the Western branch of the Muein Mystery School hidden along the coast of Spain. Aaron struggles with her departure, but refuses to leave the safety of the Eastern school's walls, as he carries the memories of Elouan's death within the recesses of his being. Fortunately, he is cared for and supported by Wimarc and Golda's daughter, Samantha, who clearly has remnants of a previous life as a Roman soldier -- as well as some hidden romantic feelings.
Meanwhile, a French knight with mysterious talents similar to the Muein seeks out one of the school's traveling monks and relays the information to a church Cardinal, who is clearly not the pious man he appears to be.
Sid Acharya - You Killed Her
Sid Acharya - Beside You
Adrián Berenguer - Class Act
Diffie Bosman - The Motions Reprise
Jeremy Chontow - Down the Rabbit Hole
Kadir Demir - Apple Seedx
FableForte - Chase Velocity
Adi Goldstein - Snowfall
Kevin Graham - From Nothing Everything
G-Yerro - Asian Dreams
Piotr Hummel - Postcard
Andreas Kübler - Glory Days
Josh Leake - Jovie
Henrik Lindstrom - Tree of Light
Dor Ben Lulu - Mist
Marco Martini - Panta Rhei
Matooma - Darkness Within
Max H. - The Body
Max H. - Horror Master
Moment of Now - The Leave
Shahead Mostafafar - Visible
Shahead Mostafafar - A Thousand Years
Zac Nelson - Glory Faded
Out of Flux - Surrendered
Kyle Preston - Foreboding
Kyle Preston - Eternal Recluse
Kyle Preston - Alpha Theme IV
Martin Puehringer - Won the Battle but Lost the War
Frank Schlimbach - Dark Dimensions
Frank Schlimbach - Tortured Minds of Evil
Roie Shpigler - Peace
Tilman Sillescu - Elven Song
Tilman Sillescu - Step Into a New World
Marshall Usinger - Understanding a Loss
Michael Vignola - Too Much
Ruiqi Zhao - The Beauty of Nature
A.I. Voice Change:
ELEVEN LABS: https://try.elevenlabs.io/jm3moztq36nz
Music & Sound Effects:
ARTLIST: https://artlist.io/referral/acade46e-b6d8-4747-8b0c-2615cd6ee3a3